Makeup Tips That’ll Make Your Life 100 Times Easier


1. Apply your foundation before concealer
Hot tip: The easiest way to level up your makeup routine is to try applying your foundation before concealer. Think about it: Starting with a layer of foundation will help minimize any redness or discoloration—almost like you're creating a smooth base for the rest of your products. You can then go in with your concealer to spot treat any zits or remaining redness, and you'll end up using way less product in the process. Another plus? Foundation before concealer is a genius fix for preventing caking and creasing.

2. Maintain your eyebrows with a spoolie brush

On busy days when I don't have time to fill in my eyebrows, I like to do the next best thing: quickly comb up my arches with a spoolie brush (aka those little mascara wands). And even when I do have time for powders, gels, and pencils, I still like to prep my brows with my spoolie—it takes 10 seconds max, and it's an easy way to make sure each of my brow hairs are in the right spot before I go in with my products. Pro makeup tip: You can buy spoolie brushes in bulk for v cheap or go for something reusable.

3. Exfoliate your lips before applying lipstick

Okay, you know when you apply lipstick and it doesn't go on smooth? Try prepping your lips with a gentle lip scrub (I like the Beauty Bakerie Sugar Lip Scrub or the KNC Beauty Lip Scrub) —the physical exfoliation will help buff away any dry skin sitting on top of your lips, leaving you with a smoother, softer canvas for your products. One thing to keep in mind: Lip scrubs should only be used once a week max—anything more and you'll risk irritation (aka the opposite vibe you're going for).

4.  Don't sleep on blush

it might seem like an obvious step in your makeup routine, but IMO, blush is the most underrated product. A couple sweeps of cream or powder blush along the high points of your cheeks will give your entire look a brighter, warmer finish with pure ease. “I use blush on all my clients—it gives the skin that fresh and rejuvenated look and it adds the perfect amount of depth to the face," makeup artist Lakeisha Dale has told Cosmo. And, no, that doesn't mean you need to pick a bright-pink blush or anything like that—try going for something soft and glowy, like one of the picks below.

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5. Melt your pencil liner to help it glide

Fact: Creamy makeup products blend better when they’re warmed up. So if your kohl eyeliner pencil skips or tugs on your eyelid or takes multiple coats for a decent color payoff, melt it down slightly before you start lining. To do so, hold the tip of your kohl liner under the flame of a lighter for a second or until it gets tacky, let it cool slightly (swatch it on your hand to make sure it’s not too hot or melted), then watch the consistency change right before your eyes.

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