How to clean makeup brushes ?


Why should we clean our makeup brushes?


There are bacteria and oil buildup on our brushes after daily makeup.Because of this, brushes cleaning seems extremely important.And clean brushes can improve makeup performance and extend the life of them.

So, how to clean your brushes?There are some tips for you:

  • Fill a glass with warm water and some soap or specifical brush cleansers.Dunk the middle to end of the bristles into it, and swish and swirl them around a bit.
  • Then, using a brush cleaning mat gently swirl the brushes around so all the makeup gets out of the crevices.
  • Rinse by pointing the bristles down, allowing warm water to hit the ends.
  • Continue the process of dunking in the soapy water and swirl the brushes around the brush cleaning mat until the rinsing water runs clear.
  • Lastly, lay the brushes on a paper towel, washcloth, or the brush mat to dry it. You can also hang the brushes.This allows air to circulate fully around them.

Learn more:


You can wash your brushes refer to the tips above once a week,but after everyday makeup,you can use a brush clean box to have a quick brush cleaning.

  • Simply glide the brush gently against the sponge without any liquild for 3-5 time.
  • You can check if there any left shadows in the white sponge area.

  • Remover sponge can be reused and repeated after washed and dry.


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