This look is simple, yet festive.


In the last blog, we talked about due to the current COVID crisis, wearing a mask has become the new norm. How to make your face stand out under the mask?Eye makeup seems particularly important.

We have made a detailed introduction about eye primer before makeup .And in this blog,we will teach you to draw a perfect eye makeup.

Christmas is just around the corner, and we have a new product available. So, let's draw a red makeup look exclusively for Christmas!


You can Use those products to help you complete this makeup. (Click on any picture or text to purchase)

Next, we officially start

Step 1: Primer your eyelid

You can refer to the previous blog to learn more.  

Step 2: Upper eyelid makeup

  • To get started.We choose alight color(PEARL) and use this front underneath the brow bone.
  • Then ,choose a warm color(SUNSET) and blendit all over the eyelids from the inner corner to the outer corner to warm your eyelids up .
  • Start blending the next color (DATE)and blend it in the outer V first, and then start blending it more towards the crease area as well but mainly focused first at the outer.
  • Peck a vibrant shades (ROSY) on an outer feet and then blend whatever is left on the brush more towards the middle part of the crease
  • Choose a dark color (CORRUPT) and pack it on in the outer V and then blending it's a little bit more of where it's towards the crease but focus a little bit more in the outer V to make this eyemakeupmore smoky.
  • Use a clean dry brush to press a shiningshade (GOLDGITTER) on your eyelids close to the inner corner
  • Then just use yourfinger to pop another shining red shade(RASPBERRY STAR) to the middle part of the eyelids, and also slightly on top of the previous color, to kind of make those shades blend into each other.
  • Pack a pink color (CHARMING) in between the color we just used and the dark color in the outer fee , to make the transition from shimmery colors on eyelids towards the met shades a little bit more smooth.
  • Draw eyeliner.

Step 3: Lower eyelid makeup

  • Use concealer to prime
  • Draw eyeliner
  • Using a flat definer brush with the black eyeshadow (CORRUPT) and press it right underneath the lower lash line, slightly on top of the eyeliner
  • Choose a pink color (CHARMING) with a really tiny pencil brush and use this to smudge it underneath the lower lash line
  • Go back in the vibrant shades(ROSY) and apply this in between the pink color just applied and the black eyeshadow to create a sort of transition from dark to light.
  • Use the warm color (SUNSET) and blend a little bit of that underneath the lower lash line to make the limit more softer and balance the inconsistencies between the lower eyelids and the top eyelids
  • Use a light shimmer color (WHIMSICAL)  in the inner corner of your eyes,blending it a little bit more downwards towards like the eye shadows underneath the lower lash line and also a little bit more upwards to make it blend into the shadows on the eyelids

Step 4: Draw the eyeliner of the inner corner


Step 5: Mascara & false eyelashes



Congratulations! Makeup is complete.Just enjoy your beautiful self.


Learn more:



Hello beauties, you can get more makeup inspiration on SNS:








See you next time!

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